Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fixing Greeting Cards When Nobody's Looking (I hope)

Is it psychotic that I fix the greeting cards when they're out of order on the card rack?

Possibly, but then I wouldn't be me, would I.

I was with my mom in Target today looking for a Father's Day card, while my mom was looking for birthday cards. I got done early and had to wait for my mom, so I ended up fixing the cards that people were too lazy to put back. Yes, it is most certainly laziness. My mom gave the excuse that probably everyone gives...I couldn't find where it went. Sorry, that doesn't cut it with me.
It takes probably one minute at the most to locate where you got your card, faster if you paid attention to the section you got it from.  By identifying specific characteristics that the top of the card has and taking some extra time, you too can place greeting cards back into their original places.

I don't know why this bothers me so much. I could be OCD, but I'm not sure. 

I need a drink...gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp. Ahhh.

  I actually do this with books sometimes too, usually if they're on tables, or misrepresented on shelves. In Barnes and Noble, they have those summer reading tables and people don't put the books back in their proper places, or they're upsidedown or are turned over or are...diagonal!  Comic books too. They're just all messy and I start to put titles together and straighten them up (as best as you can fix a comic book on a magazine rack.)

I guess it's a peeve I have...or a secret problem.

I do this with other things too: jewelry racks, things that hang on a hanger like clothes or hair accessories or makeup. Anything that can be sorted, I sort it.

Ok, ok. I don't stand there all day doing this. I usually find myself organizing if I'm board and waiting for people to get done shopping, or if I just happen to be in that area looking for something . I'm not crawling around trying to find shelves and things to fix, I don't stand there for hours making everything perfect. When I notice it, I fix it.  I pick up fallen clothes on hangers and place them back, I re-fold clothes if I happen to be putting somehting back and the shirt nearby is messy, I put cards back in their propper places.

I also don't automatically believe that it is the job of the Target clerks to clean up after my messes. I get this tinge of guilt when i leave something where I shouldn't. F**k it, I will bring that Billy Blanks Tae Bo DVD back to the Health section of Target because I know it's the right thing to do and I leave that mother f**ing Target with a clear conscious Straight up.

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