On Tuesday I came down stairs and started talking to my mom when she heard a loud bang.
Turned out a guy in a white pickup had slammed into our telephone pole. He didn't get out right away and my mom went out to see if he was alright. (Sadly, I didn't take pictures. I'm not that kind of person.) The guy got out and he seemed alright, though his arm hurt him a bit and he was shook up. The front of his car was smashed in and had damaged the telephone pole so much that many people lost power, including us, a friend of mine from Jamesburg and parts of Spotswood. Of course like most accidents, everyone and their mother comes out to gawk at the scene; every rescue squad from every town showed up too. Everything got cleared up within an hour and the power came back on within two.
This was the end result...
Something must of leaked all over the road, maybe i'll light a match and throw it on it.
F**k! He cracked the pole!
What makes the situation funny though is that this isn't the first time this has happened. A year or two previous a woman and her mother slammed into the same telephone pole. They cracked the thing and our town just recently got around to fixing it, only to have this guy make a wallop in this new pole. Gaaaah! Even before that incident my mom told me someone else had hit that very same pole. That's three, countem THREE accidents involving this friggen telephone pole.
But that's not all!
During Hurricane Irene, our creek got filled up with so much rain that...well...
In this picture you can see that there were originally 2 poles before they replaced it with just one. When enlarged you can see the crack that the woman had left in it, so you can see why this bothers me. :)
Oh Yeah. Good times.
National Guard picking up our neighbors
vacuuming our basement with a wet vac
pulling out the generator so that our basement wouldn't fill up with a foot of water when the sump pump stopped working
fearing what God's wrath would bring next.
Good times.
Our creek has gotten flooded before, but my dad said it had never gotten that high. He blames all the new houses that have been built over the years.
Another time one of Helmetta's finest drove his car right into the creek near our house. As people gawked at him and everyone trying to help get the car out of the creek, he yelled at them to move along. Yeah, he definitely was not happy that he did that. Sadly too, I wish i would have took pictures but this was at night and I didn’t want to get arrested. Plus, I don’t think they would have turned out well :P. But my sister and I still remember that because we sat in the dark of our house and watched the whole thing. We would do this a lot actually because our neighbors would get drunk and cause a ruckus. I did take a picture of the area though to help show what it looked like :D

It may just be coincidence. Helmetta is actually not such a bad town (just watch the 25mph roads, our cops are bitches) Well, hope everyone will visit Helmetta in the future.